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Emory Drug Innovation Highlights

Driven to Discovery

Emory researchers have devoted much of their lives to discovering and developing treatments for some of today’s most challenging diseases—and those yet to appear. In this video, our scientists discuss what keeps them doing this work.

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Applying Knowledge, Serving Humanity

University and research leaders discuss drug discovery and innovation at Emory past, present, and future.

Gregory L. Fenves, President, Emory University

Jonathan S. Lewin, EVP for Health Affairs, Emory University

Deborah W. Bruner, SVP, Research, Emory University

Vikas Sukhatme, Dean, Emory School of Medicine

David S. Stephens, VP, Research, Emory University

Todd Sherer, Executive Director, Emory Office of Technology Transfer

Emory Inventor George Painter on Molnupiravir and His Journey as a Scientist

"It's a little overwhelming"

"The drug is not a substitute for vaccination"

"The system works"

"The world was almost on its knees"

Inventor Profiles

Dennis Liotta: The Chemist

Raymond Schinazi: The Virologist

Additional Emory Drug Innovations and Research News

Celebrating HIV Antiretrovirals

How belatacept improves transplant outcomes

Repurposing anti-inflammatory drug baricitinib for COVID-19  

Repurposing drugs to prevent cancer recurrence

Finding a cure

HIV, federal funding, and drug discovery 

Emory University President Gregory L. Fenves discusses molnupiravir 

Repurposing a sedative antidote for sleep disorders 

A new Emory facility designed to spur medical innovation

Emory president and CDC director discuss science, the pandemic, and drug discovery